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Refund and Returns Policy

Refund Policy for Digitbite

At Digitbite, we are committed to providing exceptional services to our clients. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with the services purchased from us, we encourage you to review our refund policy.

1. Eligibility for Refund

Refunds will only be considered under the following conditions:

  • The service has not been delivered as per the agreed-upon scope of work.
  • The client has communicated their dissatisfaction in writing within 7 days of the service delivery.
  • The service was not initiated or any work was not started within 14 days of payment.

2. Non-Refundable Services

The following services are non-refundable:

  • Custom web development projects once work has commenced.
  • Digital marketing campaigns, including but not limited to PPC, SEO, and SMM, once launched.
  • AI-based solutions that have been delivered as per the scope of work.
  • Consulting services once the initial consultation has been completed.

3. Requesting a Refund

To request a refund, please contact us at contact@digitbite.com with the following details:

  • Your name and contact information
  • The service purchased
  • The reason for requesting a refund
  • Any relevant documentation or evidence supporting your claim

4. Refund Process

  • Once your refund request is received, we will review your claim and notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund within 7 business days.
  • If approved, the refund will be processed within 14 business days and credited back to the original method of payment.

5. Partial Refunds

Partial refunds may be granted on a case-by-case basis depending on the extent of services provided and the nature of the issue.

6. Changes to this Refund Policy

Digitbite reserves the right to modify this Refund Policy at any time. Changes to the policy will be updated on this page, and it is the client’s responsibility to review the policy periodically.

7. Contact Information

If you have any questions about our Refund Policy, please contact us at:

  • Email: contact@digitbite.com

Thank you for choosing Digitbite. We value your business and strive to ensure your satisfaction with our services.